Last month was a busy one, with three performances in three different styles: ~10 minute audio+video sets for the Modular World First Anniversary and Synth Society Summit 2021, and a ~30 minute audio-only set for Mountain Skies 2021. The first two are up on the Alias Zone YouTube channel, while the third was released as a “single” on Bandcamp. All three are embedded below, including a bit of explanation for each one. This doubles as the “featured article” and the “new videos” section for this month’s newsletter:


Patreon Updates

One of the benefits of subscribing to the Learning Modular Patreon channel is that I give detailed breakdowns of each track I create, including both composition and patch ideas (as well as detailing my mistakes, and how I fixed them).

Last month, I wrote two posts about Four O’clock – Raining: an overview of the performance as well as details on my “chance” sequences, including how to create them using modules other than the Vector sequencer. (The first was available to all subscribers; the second was just for +5v and above subscribers.)

I also wrote a very long, detailed breakdown of Sputnik’s Ghosts, which is available to all subscribers.

In between, I created two more Notes from the Studio posts, including one on adapting between different signal levels and cable formats in a typical modular studio. The second was on my quest to find the best keyboard controller for my hybrid studio – including realizing how my needs have changed over the past year. Both are available to all subscribers.

During June, I will be creating a detailed Track Breakdown for Devotion, musing on how my early effect-heavy bass-playing days relate to the current modular scene, and explaining my move to recording all of my new pieces at 32-bit/96 kHz.

Upcoming Events

I have a performance + interview planned from July 10: Live from the Studio with Franck Martin of PeachyMango fame. If you are reading this before the event, click the image above, and then click Set Reminder; otherwise, above is a video replay of the event.

I know I had mentioned possibly revisiting the building of the Monster studio synth with DivKid and Kim Björn, but dates have not come together for that yet; watch my Instagram or Facebook channels for any updates.

In general, I love both performing as well as participating in online interviews and Q&A sessions. If you’re putting on such an event and would be interested in having me participate, please get in touch using the Contact form at the bottom of this page.

One More Thing…

One thing I forgot to mention in the last newsletter (my bad!) is that I was interviewed on Clubhouse May 30 in the Club Eurorack “room.” This is organized by Stu Goldstein (StuJay), who is a wonderful interviewer who goes deep into the background of each of his guests, as well as what motivates them to create and their individual processes. In addition to those interviews, he also has regular sessions for beginners, as well as interviews with module creators. Unlike YouTube or Instagram, Clubhouse conversations disappear as soon as they are done, so make you try to catch them as they happen.

Clubhouse is a new social media app that appears just on phones and tablets (iOS and Android). It is currently in beta, so you will need an invite to join; fortunately, all members get invites to share with others – so if you’re not already on there, ask someone who already is (like me) to see if they have any spare invites. After you’re in, search under Clubs (not People) for “Club Eurorack”. Enjoy!

Just because I don’t have any “gigs” scheduled in June does not mean I won’t be busy! I’m in the middle of moving the power supplies outside of the Monster studio modular into their own case, to cut down on the heat and acoustic noise inside the studio. I am also planning to replace my varied collection of audio interfaces and mixers with a multi-channel networked system that will allow me to record 48 or more channels at once at 96 kHz. I’m hoping the result of both will be an even more productive studio environment.

take care –