Hi – my name is Chris, and I’m addicted to live performance. It’s been two weeks since my last gig…but before you congratulate me, I have another one coming up in two weeks. Which is kind of ironic, on a historical modular synthesis level. One of the reasons modulars...
In addition to setting up my new studio, for the past seven months I’ve been involved in helping the Bob Moog Foundation put together a very cool Eurorack modular system to raffle away for a fundraiser (tickets are available December 2nd through the 20th – make sure...
Any thoughts on how someone can clone themselves? I used to think I was good at multitasking; I now admit I was just fooling myself. I need one version of me setting up the new studio I just moved into, another version working on my set for upcoming gigs, another...
Remember in my last newsletter when I said I should be able to move into my studio before the end of June? Not so fast: We discovered a problem where the crew finishing the walls cut several expensive, high speed data cables embedded in those walls (and the floor)....
“Hurry up and wait” would be a good description of the construction of my new studio, which I discussed back in the January newsletter. (So would “two steps forward, one step back” – except the backwards steps have been thankfully small, so far.) But it seems that a...